Saturday, November 6, 2010

Seeing the World

"French chickens lay elegant eggs-and you want only the finest ingredients for your pie." ~How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World Marjorie Priceman
Sometimes, I need perspective fixing. Does that ever happen to you?
Messes become blessed when I remember life passes quickly, and little feet grow into size 12.
A pile of papers that are on the clip because the tape is lost, ends up holding a present right on the top that makes my heart sing every time I open the fridge door.
I have more peace when I cast all my stresses into the Arms Everlasting, and leave them there.
Arms Everlasting have the anwers I need. And if my faith is but the size of a mustard seed, that faith is enough receive the freshest wisdom and answers that I could never make up on my own.

1 comment:

  1. All day I kept thinking "Messes become blessed when I remember life passes quickly, and little feet grow into size 12." Seriously, all day when I was frustrated, tired, worn out I thought of this. It helped me appreciate this season of life just a little bit more.
