And I'm in the days of remembering I am a child. Discovering a Father's love again every day fills my heart and I make sure to do my gratitude list because while I'm busy in my days and my heart wanders to look elsewhere, there is a Father who is gracious and compassionate and knocks at the door of my heart. He is generous and a Giver and I choose to open wide my heart to His love.
I am thankful for:
- falls that seem protected by an angel's hand
- studies with others that provoke growth and deeper understanding
- birthday celebrations
- pink sunrises
- puppy tug of wars
- conviction and correction in my life to be childlike not childish
- little hands that hold on
- laughing so hard the tears fall
- seeing princess hearts from the littlest to the biggest, and making sure to tell them they are
- cereal for breakfast

I just love that quote by Beth Moore. Because sometimes it is minute by minute. Breathe in deep and smile and enjoy those little gifts, those thousands of gifts. The rest of God-in small increments. xo