Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Thanking God
flowers from Mom
Hannah's help preparing
Andrea's incredible baking abilities
sharing tastythings
all the cousins were here
the B family joined in

  the tension and love among creative personalities


playing games


There was also a football game that resulted in a broken nose, and a sprained finger.

You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds,
O God our savior.
You are the hope of everyone on earth,
even those who sail on distant seas.
Psalm 65:5

Giving Thanks

Jacob came home and celebrations are to begin! 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

A Saturday Way of Things

 We really love to do the museum thing. Last year we invested in two season passes to a couple of local museums that we have really enjoyed and gotten our money's worth from. One has a large attendance because of its nature to encourage play so it tends to be crowded, and we often get a new virus a couple of days that follow. But I've surprised myself in finding we really enjoy our trips there in spite of its drawbacks.

And gosh. I really really love children's imaginations. 

 DOLL. HOUSES. DOLLS. Yes girls. I know.
 We came home tired and mostly happy.

I say *mostly* because there is so much character work going on around here, sometimes I can't even.

But parenting is a full time work, and we aren't giving up on each other. Nope.

These guys are my heart.

We were able to get some books to borrow from the library selection, and they all dug in after getting in their pj's.

(Sorry honey I got you with your eyes closed,) but this guy made french fries from scratch and they were so good!!

Hannah brought us cupcakes from her new job, and we all have a movie to watch.

This was such a nice Saturday. 


                                                            Girls reading the blog
I love taking slow moments in these dark days to savor this season when the sun sets early. My favorite places to visit for a walk are the quiet landscapes found in the local cemeteries. So many stories. So much to think upon.

The veterans.
The fathers.
The mothers.
The daughters.
The sons.
The friends.
The neighbors.
The enemies.
The heroes.

The quiet walks to bring us together.
To remind us of the things that are the most important.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


The golden season of fall. The colors linger outside our home's windows and the sunset is a beautiful color of cranberry and light pink. The trees carry the few remaining leaves of yellow. I feel very thankful for so many things, though at times I feel as though my world has flipped upside down.  Yet through it all God continues to show Himself present in our lives.

We've had birthdays and new friends and even new family as our world has stretched!
                                                     Sophie turning 9!

A few things I've come to accept.

God's plans are always good. I need to trust Him. *Thy Kingdom come, Lord. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.*

There is evil in this world that at times leaves me speechless and shocked. *Deliver us from evil.*

Life is so very quick and though my plans aren't always as I've hoped, my part is to use the gifts He has given to me to cause His light to shine clearer and brighter in this dark world. It's a work He has invited and asked His people to step into. **For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.**

We have lovely bodies of water near us we have come to discover and enjoy so much! Picnics at the lake, walks along the canal. Such treats and memory making.

Jake continues to be away at school studying marine biology. Opportunities continue to find him and I'm super excited for him!

All the kiddos are in school now and I'm so happy with who they have for teachers. A couple have a bit of skill work to do but they are working ridiculously hard with such positive attitudes. I'm really really proud of them.