Jeremy planned a trip to get us away for a day. It was beautiful. It was special. It was needed.

Sometimes in the grind of days: frustrations, hurt feelings, life worries, big questions, disagreements; life's true purpose and purposes of my days gets lost in the muddiness. Then, without reason, or foreplanned knowledge, just a Hand that prearranges lessons for a life, perspective whispers.

Thank you Lord for:
~blessings and joy not because I deserve it or worked for it
~tallest mountains
~deep crevasses with swirls of marble
~The God who made this world, has the wisdom needed to steer through life
~gifts given to men to create, paint, make music, build and design
~ long lasting engine on a very used car that takes us over tall peaks
~colors of large paintings at the Clark Museum
~An understanding patient man
~quiet, stillness, peace
~vision that wraps its arms around my shoulders and says, "keep walking"